
More than half way through January -- a time when New Years resolutions notoriously start to fizz out -- I am on a manifesting tear. I credit it to a few things: surrounding myself with powerhouse people who stretch me beyond the status quo. Sheer determination (the R in resolution) because things NEED to change. And third: keeping my intentions and desires visible.

I started making goals visible a few years ago when a friend advised me to put my yoga mat on the floor and never roll it up. It forced me to take notice every day while gently calling me back to my practice. I started this year by posting my goals (and the action steps needed) on the fridge. I've checked in with them every day since. 

My umbrella goal this year is to manifest a richer material life (family, bank account, home, etc), so it makes sense to start by paying more attention to the current state of my material world. This is why the trend in decluttering has become such a force of nature. It is a truth seeking endeavor. While it is easy to habituate to our environs, it is worth remembering that our homes, workplaces and living environments are a reflecting pool for our dreams and intentions. Stuff matters. We are in a constant dialogue with the objects of our lives, and, as with any conversation, it's a two way street. We hold beliefs about ourselves and that gets communicated back into the way we tend (or not tend) to our homes. Likewise we can always shift the conversation. By moving things around, shaking things up, introducing a new object, subtracting a few more, we start a new storyline. Through them we start to see what's possible.

Sometimes changing the skin of your material life can happen at a subconscious level. After a year of learning how to take care of my money, I want help nurturing and growing my wealth. So, this week I interviewed a new financial advisor. As I walked in to his office, my eyes immediately gravitated to the beautiful and unusual wallpaper. A bold, repeating pattern of Chinese symbols warm in tone. "I just found out what those symbols mean!" he said. "Prosperity, fortune and integrity." I was surprised. He didn't pick that pattern intentionally? Yet I could see by the stacks of papers on his desk, the wallpaper, the sun-drenched office, the way he validated my goals for more freedom and fun in my life. I knew that this person was a magnet for manifesting abundance.

A new dialogue is happening at home, too. It seems my bedroom has become a magnet for love without consciously making it so. A photograph of a heart made of rose petals that I recently moved from another room to above my bed. A book I'm reading about a famous love story. The salve that I rub on my feet and neck each night, an act of self care that fills my body with loving thoughts before I turn the light out. The rug I placed at the foot of my bed to make the room warmer, cozier, imagining the pitter patter of tiny feet on it.

A manifestation conversation is born. 

The objects around us hold stories. Sometimes they are from the past, sometimes they reverberate with our hopes for the future. We get to decide. Not only do the objects of our lives help keep us on the path of Resolution by making our intentions and desires visible, they become imbued with the qualities and energies we seek. The result is an incredible, magnetizing feedback loop of manifestation. New Years has past, but it's never to late to start the conversation. 


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